公司本著穩健經營、深耕立足台灣,與世界第一大旅行社美國運通 American Express 進行品牌策略聯盟,成為AE在台灣地區的旅遊服務網絡 TSNITravel Services Network International〉 的合作夥伴,利用全球旅遊網絡合作的強大力量,提昇旅遊服務之專業水準,讓理想貴賓在各地均能享受優質卓越的旅遊服務。

  With firm foundation in Taiwan and alliance strategy with world number one travel agency; American Express; become AE partner in Taiwan travel service network and Travel Service Network International (TSNI). Utilize the worldwide travel services network to improve the professional standard in travel service and let all the tourists can enjoy high quality of tour.